There are several different types of filling machines for a variety of applications across the food, beverage, pharmaceuticals, and other industries. Aside from the specifics of various models, the many devices serving the sector can be broken down into the following three main classes:
A liquid filling machine is used to fill fluids varying in consistency from beverages to more viscous substances. There are many sub-categories of liquid fillers, including twin-head, four-head, six-head, semi-automatic and volumetric linear filling machines. They also have many different operating systems, such as pressure filling, piston filling, pump filling and siphons.
A powder filling machine can be either volumetric or gravimetric in operation. These machines are specifically designed to convey dry, free-flowing products from fine powders to something like uncooked rice.
A solid filling machine can also be either volumetric or gravimetric. Multi-Fill’s area of specialty is the production of volumetric fillers that fill soft solids - specifically, cooked foods. Our food filling machines are designed to serve the rapidly growing ready-made food market. Among the most common ingredients in ready meals are cooked pasta and vegetables, which can be difficult to dispense as they have a tendency to stick to the machine and form clumps. Overcoming this difficulty has been one of the primary focuses in the industry and one which Multi-Fill’s solutions are specifically designed to address.
Multi-Fill does not make liquid or powder filling machines, we focus on supply machines for the filling of particulate or cooked foods.
Contact us to find out more about our filling machines for the read-made food industry.
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